This write-up is interjecting the three articles I'm currently working on..
It's important to highlight stories of bravery and righteous rebellion—overt defiance of a dictator.
Trump is absolutely stepping out of bounds, far abreast of his scope, his reach as the PO(tu)S, but we knew he was going to do that.
Like the class clown/flunkie testing the new substitute teacher.. There will be tacks in chairs and somebody’s gonna be butthurt....
Trump decided to fire—illegally with no notice—several Inspectors General.. These Inspectors investigate fraud, corruption or malfeasance at all levels of our government, including the president. So naturally the con man installed as our president is going to fire them and do what a dictator does.. I want to make a very clear I'm not shaming any of these Inspectors General for any reason. Understandably, most left with very little resistance and who could blame them?
Save for one…
I prefer this headline:
Phyllis Fong, citing the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE), had "taken the position that these termination notices do not comply with the requirements set out in law and therefore are not effective at this time." Fong has been with the USDA for 22 years.. And before that: she herself worked for the CIGIE. She's one of at least 17 independent investigative watch dogs given illegal marching orders Friday night.
This is so far out of the realm of protocol and decorum.. I thank all the Inspectors General for their service and hope we can get them justice.
It's painfully obvious the shock and awe, crippling overwhelm the new regime is employing and delighting in. We have to recharge.
I know right now this may seem like a tiny moment, but we’ll look back and understand the full weight of this moment and others like it.
Stories and actions like Phyllis Fong’s need to be brought to the forefront of all the noise, doom, and clamor. If we drown out the strength and bravery those who do act in opposition, we craft the symphony of our doom.
These stories should be our “refrains”.
Deny, Defend, Depose.
Take your meds, drink the water. Survive!
Resist, Rebel, Revolt-We will not go back ✊🏽 🤘🏽
~~☘️ Ginge ☘️
(More below👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻)
Thanks for the journalism Ging.
🤣🤣🤣 The Senators who vote against confirming RFKJr are next.