I’m not clear on the statement that men would be more balanced or healthier if they understood feminism. What I have found in 40 years of men’s work is that men MUST accept and identify their feminine tones. This is where men begin to appreciate women as women and people… not toys. A man must learn and be able to express feminine tones… or they can become cruel woman abusers.

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With what I compiled over four or five months-from the American Psychological Association and various other specialty groups (The Mend Project, headspace.org, domesticshelter.org, Joyful Heart, Shine Support, Oregon Trauma Informed, Harvard, NMAAH&C, trauma research and rape survivorship organizations and various studies on systems of oppression as well as how misogyny and patriarchy into rape culture) -the consensus seems to be identifying how the systems have hurt men. Examining the damage on an individual level-both intimately and higher level-as well as how it impacts society on the whole. Even deeper than what you have suggested here. You can’t embrace anything that is seen as feminine without unpacking the fact that gender is a social construct and it is bullshit in its current iteration. No human quality has a gender. Ambition is not solely masculine, nurturing is not solely feminine. How we have constructed gender under patriarchy has to be unpacked and dismantled, so people can embrace and define themselves as they want to be defined. Not have society define us for ourselves.

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I agree with what you offer here. And, not but, And, having worked a lifetime on this issue and working with the so called best practices of APA etc …. They are missing the boat. Scientists choose to leave out 25 percent of the Holistic Model…. The Spiritual. For centuries around the world indigenous people knew that a man who was not informed about ‘feminine tones’ will be a danger to women and the earth. African phrases like: Don’t give a man a weapon until he knows his song. WEAPON has a masculine tone, a vibration. SONG has a feminine tone … vibration. ‘ don’t let a man sleep with a woman until you have taught him his dance’ is another African saying. Ginge I have employed this ancient wisdom in year long implementation with violent young men. After one year they had changed significantly …. Their parents saw the difference. The university. Their GPA improved. Their girlfriends would tell me the young man was he the and kinder. The residence hall, cleaned by the young men, was the cleanest place on campus. The young men’s rooms were neater. Alcohol use diminished significantly. And this group of 22, who were once semester from flunking out… all graduated. And would tell you they see the world differently because of having been introduced to feminine tones within themselves and others and the earth. The Mother is suffering because uninitiated men like Trump and Biden do NOT respect anything feminine … all they see is greed and blood. Their spirits are damaged … and they seek to damage everything around them. This is the stuff of Wetiko which is not believed in our culture… but the lack of spiritual relationship is what will be our end. Not religion. Spiritual relationship. Meanwhile our ships are off the coast of Lebanon… we have encouraged Ukraine to bomb Russia … we will see our first tactical nuke being used within two weeks. That is uninitiated white men projecting their loathing of the feminine onto the world. God I love your work and you Ginge… you are a brilliant dedicated force. I love our conversations and miss the LIVES. Take care. TJ

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