This looks like the kind of place where I can’t as much as begin to open my mouth without being accused of mansplaining or worse, so I’ll just quote the woman who, with some initial reluctance, seems to have become LessWrong’s feminism thought police in the distant past, when the Universe was younger and more naïve, and it had a gigantic lot of precious negentropy we’ll never get back: https://alicorn24.livejournal.com/44922.html

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Victimizing yourself in a patriarchal system is laughable when it's obviously you are pro-patriarchy and of the patriarchy. Poor Widdle You can't have what you want in continuing to benefit under a patriarchal system. So you throw a tantrum on strangers' comment sections and tokenize another woman to meet your own defense.

Poor, poor you for having to deal with the fact that you've got your boot on the necks of marginalized people and we're asking you to take it off of our necks. Wow, the audacity of mediocre men. ...

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